
We welcome all those passionate patchworkers who would like to share their ideas, their quilts (photos please) & their friendship. Please contact Sharon who will give you details on how to add your own photos & contribute to the content of the Blog. We hope you enjoy this site.

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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Our second week back at the hall

Hello everyone,
I really enjoyed our second week back at the hall - I don't know why - it was just a very pleasant day - we were more settled & everyone was happy - no complaints about anything! We had to rearrange our storage space again as the church didn't want us to store our coffee making things in their linen cupboard in the kitchen. Never mind - we now store our coffee cups in their kitchen cupboards - they were surplus to our needs anyway as the church has plenty of new mugs.
We did find the hall very cold, now that the carpet has been removed & it is also echos quite a lot. Maybe we should huddle together when we have a committee meeting so that everyone can hear better. I shut all the doors & put two fan heaters on & in no time the room started to warm up.

It was a new experience sharing the hall facilities with another group. A singing group was in the room the other side of the kitchen, so we had to share the kitchen with them at one stage. Another thing which will take a bit of getting used to. Nice background music for us though!

The first Block of the Month (BOM) patterns were distributed yesterday - a simple block to begin with. I am quite chuffed that so many have decided to participate. We badly needed a project. Jenni also handed out our new challenge which is due end October. We have to make a quilt (any size) which is based on a song title. I have already designed mine - we have millions of choices on this one as there are millions of songs to choose from - a great idea.

Brenda is off to Scotland. If I was a bit thinner I would have squeezed in to her suitcase - never mind! I will be away for the next two meetings so hope all is OK. Happy Quilting ladies!